Thursday, October 29, 2009

silent glide

eric went paddling at Rocky Gorge reservoir last Sunday, as he does quite regularly. It was a cool, clear day of vivid color. eric was trying out a mid-wing paddle for the first time which he found a pretty easy adjustment, though not particularly fast for him as of yet. But eric really appreciates the gentle, soundless stroke of the Greenland paddle. Sliding through the water in silent glide.

a joke

so a guy walking in the crosswalk while texting gets hit by a guy yakking on his cell phone while driving. Nobody is seriously hurt. That is why this joke can remain slightly funny.

wave hands like clouds

eric finds the cloud often rather creepy. eric finds the terms and conditions without form and void. eric finds it tiresome to to compare privacy policies and seeks clarity.

Don't be evil? And don't be a grabby little snoop.